Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pondering the Language of Math

Greetings & Hallucinations! . . . er, I mean Salutations!

Alrighty. . . here is where the name of my blog is going to begin to make some sense to some of you. I had some butterfly-mind moments the other evening. And off my mind went. . . on all kinds of strange wanderings and tangents. And no, I'm not taking any drugs or smoking anything. And no, I didn't miss any medications! haha My mind is just sometimes a dangerous place to hang out!! But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

~~My Little Disclaimer here~~

I'll admit. . . I am not any form of math whiz. Ok, it's out! Back in high school, I struggled to get through Algebra. During the first semester of my sophomore year, my step-mom would help me understand my Algebra homework each night. That year I had a math teacher (Mr. Nesbit, who was a better football coach, from what I heard) who could never explain Algebra in a way that I could understand. After my step-mom explained it, I was Ok, got the homework done and got the answers right (according to the back of the book). But every class period, that teacher would shoot me down (& mark my homework answers wrong) for not doing his method. Then he would sternly tell me to meet with him in his office after school. Although intimidated, I'd show up in his office that afternoon. He would berate me once again, for not doing the math the way he showed in class. He'd ask what was wrong with me. And then he'd begin trying to explain the Algebra again (the same exact way that hadn't made sense to me the first several times). Then the impatient yelling would begin, again. . . which always brought on my tears. I'm a sensitive person and always have been. I suppose my tears only pissed him off more, as the pitch of his yell would increase after that. This happened at least twice a week, during that semester. On a couple of such office visits, he became completely exasperated and he told me, "You're really lousy at math. You will never learn this stuff. You obviously don't have a head for this stuff. I've heard you sing solos in the chorus, you're really good at that. You should stick with that. But you are horrible at math. You should stay far away from math & science. Besides, You're just a girl and you're just gonna grow-up, get married and have a bunch of kids anyway, so you won't need any math. Just stay away from it, because you stink at it."

Honest to God, he actually told me that - more than once! Sadly, I have always been fascinated with, and loved science. And ironically, I never had kids! (So there! Mr. Jerk-head!!) While he was the only teacher who actually said that to me, I think there were 2 or 3 others who wanted to say it. Some of them treated me like I was 12-kinds of stupid. It so was frustrating! Forget for a moment that he/they would only explain stuff over and over again in the same confusing way that didn't make sense to several of us in the first place! Forget that I was not the only one in the class who had trouble with those explanations. In this particular case, I think that I frustrated him and he just didn't care to deal with it anymore. If only he had sent me to a tutor, or talked with my counselor to do that. Sadly, no one offered me that kind of help for math. And back then, I didn't know how to find a tutor and I had no money to pay for it. My step-mom was the only one who could actually help me, but Mr. Nesbit didn't like the method I learned that way. . . even though I got the correct answers with those methods! Forget that I still had to pass Algebra. It was required to graduate high school. He just didn't want to deal with me, or the other four or five students from my class who were having trouble. He labeled us as "stupid" &/or "lazy" and tossed us aside! He "benched" us from the game of math! I had to drop that class and take Algebra again the next year from a kinder, gentler soul (Mr. Mason). Now HE could explain math!! What a saint Mr. Mason was! I passed Algebra that time, and mostly without tears!

In later years, I thankfully discovered that I'm not bad at math. I am only very slow at math! I am dyslexic (really, I was tested), so I have to really take my time with it. If given plenty of time to figure & double-check stuff, I actually do somewhere between ok, to. . . even to pretty well!! Once I was given enough time to do it, I actually got my first A's & B's in math. . . even College Algebra!! Go figure! But enough of that. I just wanted to get that disclaimer out there. . . I am no mathematician! So, please don't slam my innocent possible misunderstandings of math theories. . . or whatever. Please have patience for my strange little mental butterfly thoughts. Discussion is ok, just please be gentle. K?

~~Now for my topic of ponder~~

So Here's the thing -- for whatever bizarre reason the other evening I began wondering about the "language of mathematics." Maybe it was after watching an episode of "Numbers," I don't remember. Have you ever noticed how in practically every show or movie about space or Extra Terrestrials (except "Contact" or "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind") the characters kind of assume that the E.T.s will (of course) speak English. . . or they have some wildly cool "Universal Translator" to turn the interactions into English. We also seem to assume that all E.T.s would have numbers 0-9 and the numbers will look just like that and they will
call them "zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine." Just like that. Although, in the movie "Contact," I believe the E.T.s might have used ones and zeros. Or maybe it was just sound pulses totaling in prime numbers. But I don't remember for sure. And of course all E.T.s will recognize our symbol for Omega or Epsilon, or any other of our various symbols (symbols sometimes used in math equations), right? That's where I was thinking, "How crazy!!!" I think it's doubtful that they are going to recognize our human-made symbols. . . At least in theory. Unless they have studied us for a long time and learned our languages. Or. . . maybe those symbols were brought to us eons ago from some E.T.s, but then I doubt that all E.T.s speak the same language. I'm just guessing here.

So I thought further (scary, I know!). If they (the potential E.T.s) would not call the numbers by the same name as we do and they might not draw/write them the same, how would we recognize them to be numbers. How would they send us a mathematical message? Perhaps they could send us various artistic things, like fractals, and they could monitor how we'd decipher that. . . but over what medium? Light waves? Radio Waves? And what if the potential recipients of such a message were a race of beings without eyesight? Obviously, most of us have the gift of eyesight. Then there is
the movie, "Contact." You might remember how the characters (starring Jodi Foster) encounter an orderly, radio signal from space and determine it is mathematical. Did you notice how she frequently closed her eyes in order to listen better? Interesting. And there was even a character, one of her colleagues in the movie, who was blind. He was a great help to her decoding some aspects of the message. Eyesight can sometimes be distracting. In that movie, they had to break the code and decipher the message. It was a message sent in patterned sound pulses, strung together. So I thought, "Hummm that would work if you had the senses of hearing or could feel vibrations. That would even work if a race of beings did not have eyesight." Pretty nifty, huh? If they couldn't hear, at least they might feel the vibrations. But I wonder if there is such a thing as a race of beings, somewhere, who could not feel vibrations. That's an odd concept. Of course ultimately, in the movie "Contact," the message (once decoded) ended up being plans for a machine to be built. But it was tricky to decipher because it required looking at two-dimensional images but thinking in three dimensions! So in that case, eyesight was needed. But I wonder how else they might have communicated the plans. It's hard to imagine.

All of that got me wondering how many mathematical messages (or even other forms of messages) we have been sent & possibly received but we didn't understand. Perhaps we get them ALL the time!! A bit like a fax that comes in and slips off of the fax machine and down onto the floor, and wafts under the table. No one sees it and the cleaning crew comes in at night and tosses it out. Or maybe we just thought they were static. We tend to only think in two dimensions (something printed on a page), or three dimensions. What if our potential E.T. messengers think in a 5th or 8th dimension. . . or a 9th or 11th dimension? We also tend to think in terms of only 5 or 6 senses. What if there are senses that never occurred to us, because we don't have them (yet?) and we are not built to have them (yet)? Obviously, then we wouldn't actually receive the messages from those messengers. That is to say, they might come through, but because we don't understand, we dismiss it as. . . a form of static. Too bad. They might be so fascinating!! Or what if the potential messages were being sent telepathically, but those who received them, just figured they were random, crazy thoughts? They might be dismissed. And if those "thoughts" or messages weren't dismissed, who among you would believe them? I know I might think it sounded awfully nuts! How frustrating for someone trying to figure out what to do with that.

Then I wonder if the potential E.T.s know about things like. . . what we call "string theory." Did they wrestle with the 5 different perspectives of string theory, as some of our scientists have? Did they see more than 5 perspectives? Do they know we now also call it something else? Once we finally united our 5 perspectives, we now call it "M theory." At least that's what I last understood. What would any of the E.T.s out there call "string theory?" I wonder if they receive old episodes of "NOVA" or "The Elegant Universe" out there somewhere. Maybe they are FAR beyond the string theory. They probably call it something in another language, so we wouldn't understand right away anyway. Kind of like. . . what do you call a dog with no legs? Doesn't matter, he can't come anyway. But I digress! Since they probably speak a different language, we couldn't discuss string theory (or much of anything else) with them just yet anyway. Would they think we don't understand the theory? And maybe we don't fully understand it yet! How would we communicate the theory in mathematical terms? I'm sure it has been done! I probably wouldn't understand that, even though I do "understand" much of the explanations of string theory!! Certainly not well enough to discuss with a
physicist or quantum physicist, but perhaps better than many folks. Of course, a physicist could string me along, too!

We humans have a nasty habit of thinking we "understand" something, even when there may be much more to a given subject that we don't know about yet. . . or don't yet have the apparatus to observe, measure or study it. In that regard, I suppose it's a bit like that first Algebra class was for me. . . I thought I was understanding things, until I'd flunk a test, or the teacher yelled at me for "getting it wrong." I didn't yet know I needed to ask more questions. But I didn't yet know what questions I needed to ask, because I thought I understood. It's a twisted, circular track! So, do we REALLY ever know it or understand it. . . whatever "it" is?

I wonder what other messages could be transmitted in the language of mathematics. I realize that math and science related things could be sent in a mathematical language. But I mean what things that we typically don't think of as mathematical. There is a lot of art and music that is very mathematical and very beautiful and moving. Go figure! But I'll bet there are other, seemingly non-mathematic, topics that could be communicated mathematically, but I just can't think of them right now. I'm sure the character, Professor Charlie Epps, could really come up with some good ones! Maybe. . . something like a butterfly path. That's something that seems so completely random, un-patterned, and non-directional, but I wonder if there might even be some sort of mathematical order to that? Maybe there is hope for me after all!!

Enough of my rambling for now. See?
My brain. . . a strange place! :-)
Be well!


Monday, June 11, 2007

Plastered Paris. . .

Good Morning.
Ok, I would like to apologize ahead of time. My unfriendly side is making a quick appearance here today. But I'm so sick of her, I just can't keep it inside anymore. So pardon my little rant for a few minutes, and thank you for reading!

I started this post last week, then got side-tracked. So I need to get this posted before the topic dissipates, as it's about to soon. I would imagine that many of you are as SICK of hearing about pathetic, wimpy, little cry-baby Paris Hilton, as I am! WHY does she even constitute "News?" Why does the media pay her ANY attention? Why does any of the media care about ANY of the ill-behaved celebrities and why do they make the "News?" It used to be this crap stayed on venues like "Entertainment Tonight" or "E!" Now suddenly (in the last couple of years) the mainstream media seems to think it constitutes real News! I don't understand. It's NOT like there is nothing else going on in the world! There is a war going on in Iraq. Iran is misbehaving and developing nuclear weapons. Korea HAS nuclear weapons and is also misbehaving. Our troops are fighting and some dying to keep our beloved ways of life safe and free!
So why is it that the concept of badly behaved celebrities become newsworthy? Behaving and obeying the law. . . it's not a hard concept to master really. When you break the law, you get in trouble. HELLO!! That's how it is supposed to work. Don't do the crime if you are too wimpy to do the time!!! And if you are too stupid to stay out of trouble, stay home! Take personal responsibility for your thoughts, deeds, & actions!

So here we have a badly behaved rich kid who doesn't seem to understand the concept. Geeze Paris! Quit whining and just take the consequences of your ridiculously stupid actions without all the dramatics! And how about learning from one's mistakes? Try not making such insanely stupid decisions in the first place! And she needs to tell her followers/ fans to quit whining and get lives! Don't encourage them to be drama queens with her!

What a horrible example she has set for anyone who is a fan of hers (especially young, impressionable girls). And Why, exactly, does she even HAVE fans? I'm not sure I get that either. Why would anyone be a fan of someone who presents themselves as dumb, shallow, dingy, wimpy, anorexic and weak? Ok, so she has a pretty face, but she's not that pretty! She's a friggin' STICK! And I think that her chihuahua probably has a more interesting personality than she does! So she has money. . . So what? Apparently, money doesn't buy brains or intelligence! But maybe it sometimes buys special privilege in California? She acts like SUCH a wuss! If you blow on her, she would probably fall over & cry. . . and if you happened to have blown in her ear, she might be courteous enough to thank you for the refill! But probably not. And what is with the chihuahua in her purse that she takes practically everywhere she goes? Is that her body guard? Or maybe she is so dumb and that is her Blonde-star interpretor?
And these pathetic little fans of hers. . . They print, "Free Paris" t-shirts and they circulated a petition and tried to plead with the Govenator to pardon her sentence. Pa-LEEASE!!! I was SO happy when his response was basically (paraphrased), "I haven't seen any plea for pardon on my desk. But really, I have more important issues to deal with, like running California." Let's hear it for Ah-nold! Hurray!

What? You ask what am I talking about? Ok, if you have been busy collecting termites or perhaps you've been deep in some jungle studying the mating habits of tiger salamanders. . . Here is the low-down on the ridiculous Paris saga.

In a nutshell (sources AP, and Reuters): Back in September of 2006 Paris went out drinking and chose to drive drunk. She got caught and was charged with drunken driving or DUI. In January 2007, she appeared in court and pleaded "no contest" (similar to guilty) to a lesser charge of alcohol-related reckless driving. She was given 36 months (3 years) probation and her driver's license was suspended. She was told NOT to drive, and SHE SIGNED A DOCUMENT STATING THAT SHE UNDERSTOOD this!
THEN, on February 27th, 2007 she was pulled over by California Highway Patrol for 1) Speeding, and 2) Driving at night without headlights, and. . . oh, whoops, 3) DRIVING on a SUSPENDED LICENSE! Back to court she went on May 4th, where a judge constituted that her actions were a Parole Violation! So. . . she broke the law on TWO different occasions, in various different ways! Thus, she was sentenced to serve jail time. Hurray!! Justice at last!
Golly gee, Ya see, that's kinda what usually happens when you VIOLATE PAROLE!
Instead of taking it like someone with a backbone, she whines and whimpers. Her chihuahua probably has more integrity! And, many of her fans act even worse than she does!

So off to jail she finally went. Personally, I think her jail time was delayed WAY too long and she has been given WAY too much latitude already. But that's my opinion. Anyway, she reported to jail on June 3rd, for her 45 day sentence. But Oh!! Boo-hoo!!!! She got a rash, or was emotionally distressed (we don't get the real story on what it was), some "medical" issue. So the jail released her after only 3 full days in jail, due to "medical reasons." They sent her to her posh, cushy home, confined to serve out her remaining time wearing a clunky old ankle bracelet to track her movements. I guess since Sax Fifth Avenue was fresh out of prisoner ankle bracelets, they must have figured the fashion faux pas of that clunky ankle bracelet was enough for her to bear!!

Anyway, my question is "WHY didn't they just treat her 'medical' issue in the infirmary like they would if it were you or I?" You and I can already, pretty much figure out the answer to that one! But "they" will deny that it was special celebrity treatment.

Ah! But let's hear it for public outcry and an angry judge. The sentencing judge was apparently furious over Hilton's early release to her home, with monitoring bracelet. Los Angles city prosecutors filed papers to yank her back into the jail (where I think she belongs to serve out her sentence). They also demanded that "the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department (who runs that jail) be held in contempt of court for releasing her early and violating sentencing order, which expressly barred electronic monitoring of Hilton." (quote source: Reuters, 6/8/07) So Hilton was ordered back to appear in court the morning of 6/8/07.

In talking with my mom that morning, she said she had been trying to watch Fox News all morning, but the Hilton saga was ALL any of the 24-hour news stations were carrying that morning. Apparently around 9:15am Pacific time, Paris was already 28 minutes late for her court appearance, and they had not even left her house yet!! Talk about disrespect. She spouted something ridiculous about having not read the paperwork because she has people who do that for her. I wonder if that is part of her Chihuahua's job. I don't know for certain HOW late she ended up being, but it was speculated that the trip to the court house would take about an hour or more from her house. I think the law-breaking choices she made to begin with were evidence of disrespect enough. . . but this just amplified how disrespectful she has been of the legal process and the law in general. It would seem that she really DOES think she is above the law!

Then my mom told me a few minutes later, on MSNBC they broke in for about 33 seconds to announce that General Pace had been replace by someone else, but it was such a short break, it was hard to catch the name of the guy who replaced him! This Hilton coverage has been insane!

The afternoon of June 8th, after a new court appearance, "Hilton was led out of the court in handcuffs and crying, 'Mom, Mom. It's not right' as she was taken away to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence for violating her probation in a reckless driving conviction."
(quote source: Reuters, 6/8/07) Now (a few days later) she claims that her crying out was in reference to the bailiff not allowing her to hug her mom good-bye. (Do you see me rolling my eyes in disgust?)

So I guess "The Simple Life" star. . . well, her life isn't so simple right now. All because she chose to drink and drive and then drive on a suspended license. How stupid!?

NOW. . . Over the weekend, after spending a couple of days and nights in jail (which this time is kind of a special facility. . . with psychiatric and medical help available), she is telling the media to not focus on her. She tells the media there are more important things going on in the world (Ya Think???) and not to pay her so much attention. Gee, Embarrassed Paris? You should be! She dropped her appeal. And Now, she tells Barbara Walters that she will serve out her sentence, and she will no longer "act dumb." She claims it was an act, and that before all this, "it was cute, but it's not anymore." Cute, huh? I don't think so, but whatever. Now she claims that God has given her another chance and she wants to help people with her fame.

Ok. That's all well and good, but ACTIONS will be the real indicator as to whether or not she changes. I really do hope she has learned her lessons, but we shall see. It's not that I really wanted to keep up with this ridiculous saga, but EVERY TIME I logged onto the Internet or turned on the tv, there she was. . . her photo and more of the story. Gag!
In order to write/blog about this non-sense responsibly, I did double-check the sources. This pained me a bit to have to read about it again, but at least I know I got the facts right (as close to right as the current media allows). And it is cathartic to release the frustration of being inundated by the dingbat! I feel better already!

I had to chuckle when this past weekend, on CBS's "Sunday Morning" news broadcast, even good ol' Ben Stein had a comment about it! I just love him! It did my heart good to hear what he had to say, and he said many things I was already in the blog process of writing. So here it is, for what it's worth. I know that in a month, nobody will give a rat's patutie that any of this ever happened and it will be chalked-up to stupid celebrity behavior. People, PLEASE tell you kids that this is NOT behavior to emulate or copy. You might think they already know, but tell them anyway!! Ok, I'll step off of my soap box now and return the airways back to you. Thanks for allowing me to vent, and thanks for reading.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Bursting your bubble...

Good Afternoon!

A friend sent me a link to a cool little video today. It's so cool I just wanted to share it with you. It's an excerpt from some documentary on slow-motion photography. In this little clip, they show a slow-motion view of a guy poking a water balloon with a pin. It is SO cool. I wish I could download it here and "blog it" but I didn't see a way to bring it over here, other than to share the link with you.
Slo-Mo Balloon Pop
I hope you enjoy it.
