Wednesday, December 21, 2005

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree...

Well Hello there. Merry Christmas and Happy New year season!
I seem to be finished with all my shopping. Thank goodness I finished a week or so ago. So now I can safely avoid being malled at the malls!! haha And only one snafu through it all and that had to do with an item getting lost in shipping. But the place I purchased from ( was right on top of it as soon as I brought it to their attention and they have already replaced the item & it is on it's way (via a different ship method!).

I'm pet-sitting for one family household and also for a friend. The family pet-sitting is fairly routine... 2 cats & 2 dogs, one dog with elderly needs. The friend pet-sitting is a more unusual bunch -- a 12 foot boa constrictor (Kokie), a bull snake (Sandia), a leopard-spotted gecko (Lady), and a Madagascar hissing roach (Herbie). Fortunately, I don't have to take Herbie for a walk or anything like that! I just don't think that I could quite handle having to put a little collar and leash on him! hahahaha (No! He doesn't actually have a collar or a leash! I'm kidding!) Everyone has been fed for the time, so I won't need to do much but just check on them & make sure that their heat lamps are working and that they are warm enough. But I certainly don't mind handling the snakes or the gecko. I think they are awesome!! I know, color me weird. haha

Most of my family is in town for the holiday and we will get together on Christmas Eve and do our traditional celebration that evening. Then Christmas morning, I'll go to my mother's and we will do our traditional sweet rolls and hot cocoa for breakfast -- and see if any stockings were hung by the chimney with care -- and if there might be anything in them!! Some years are more organized than others!! haha Christmas day is frequently the day where we play with any new electronic gadgets we received, or watch any DVD movies we received!

I'm a tad late on most of my holiday cards this year, but I'll get them out. I just haven't been as organized as I'd like to be. Oh well. I did get all the chocolate rum balls made and distributed. The second batch came out better -- I think. It's a bit slow at work this week. I can tell that people are gearing-up for holiday time and leaving town, and generally busy.

Well that's about it for this entry. It's looking to be a busy holiday week -- or two. Everyone have a terrific holiday of choice! And I'll say Merry Christmas and have a very happy and prosperous New Year!!! If you travel, then please travel safe!!
Love-n-Light to all,

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