Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spoiled Brats!


I recently read a very good article (by Richard Smith) about the state of bratiness in our country. Hopefully the link to his article shows up here (if I've formatted things properly). Man, oh man, is this country ever full of brats!! I hadn't really thought about it in these terms before I read his article, but
I concur with Richard Smith's assessment. It would seem that an unusually high number of people in the good ol' U. S. of A. don't understand when we have it good. Even when we are enduring tough times or controversial times, many of them don't seem to "get" how truly blessed we really are in this county. I know that lots of people don't agree with the current war situation... and Sure, we do have our problems and issues, but all in all, most of us have it so much better than most. If you have the opportunity to read his article ( you really must check it out. I wrote to him to let him know how much I enjoyed his article and that I have forwarded his article link to many friends. He wrote me back and thanked me for my positive feedback and told me that it's his most popular article to date. He wrote it in November '06.

Well, once again, I'm on break at the office. So I need to get back to that. That's all for now. Perhaps more later.
Have a blessed day.


Herself, the GeekGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paulena said...

Hi GeekGirl. No, I don't mind you stopping by either. :-) Thanks for the comment (even before it vanished).
And yes, it's sad that even some parents are awfully bratty. Maybe that's where many of the kids learn it. It just boggles my mind that it seems to be a growing epidemic.