Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Health Tips from TriVita...

I recently discovered some great vitamins from a company called TriVita. I've been using the sublingual B-12 formula. I love it. They send me a nifty newsletter every now & then. The most recent edition contained some good tips I wanted to share! Here they are:

*When frustration drains your energy: immediately drink 2 glasses of water.
*When anxiety and tension prevent you from enjoying the moment: 10 minutes of deep breathing will cut your stress in half!
*When fatigue seems insurmountable: a brisk walk in the open air will revive you.
*When mental fog descends and clouds your thinking: a cup of green or ginseng tea will cut through the fog and brighten your mind.

And something you may have already known (or not). . .
*A balanced diet must include:
7 to 9 servings of fruit and vegetables (for adults)
30+ grams of high quality protein
20 to 35 grams of fiber daily

Heck, I'll just give ya the link to the whole recent TriVita newsletter so you can read it for yourself.

I hope those tips are helpful to you at some point.
Be Well!

1 comment:

Patricia Smith Wood said...

Great advice! Hope lots of folks read this and take heed.