It's been a really crazy month. The office of my employer has been moving to a new location. It's an old company (20+ years old - therefore read, lot of stuff to move), but the company was recently purchased (January 2007) and has new owners. It has been stressful and tiring transition. New things are happening. Out with the old rented building location and in with a newly remodeled business condo they have purchased. Moving all that stuff. . . Yikes! It's been a job for all involved who have had to go through all the old stuff. The questions being. . . Shall we toss out or donate. . . or keep it and move it? It's been hectic, but it is finally coming to a close.
I wasn't initially certain if I'd be able to take any time off for the Balloon Fiesta or not! The first weekend, I had too much to try to get done at home. During the week, I had to work. But I did finally get out there for the Friday competitions and the Saturday Mass Ascension. It's a far cry from the several years that I crewed. And the skies are now much more crowded than the eight years that I flew a balloon almost everyday of the nine-day event, as a registered pilot. But at least I made it for a couple of days this year.
As I walked around the field and took pictures, I thought of the handful of balloonist friends and acquaintances who we lost this past year. . . who I was sure were with us there in spirit. I saw one balloon out there that was once owned by my friend Chuck. He later sold it to Chris. . . they both passed away this past year. Chris' balloon was still flying this year, a friend or relative piloting now. Only this year, it had a banner "In Memory of Chris...". I thought of both Chris and Chuck and I was missing their physical presence here this Fiesta. But they would want "the show to go on!"
These days, I generally crew for some good friends of mine. I had something to do with getting them involved in ballooning back in the mid 1980's. I gave Sylvia her first balloon ride back in 1985. I had lost touch with them for a few years in between, but I reconnected with them about 5 years ago. Friday, they had more passengers and crew than they knew quite what to do with, so I happily stayed on the field and took hundreds of pictures! I was in photographer's heaven! I love the Key-Grab event. It's my favorite competition. I used to LOVE flying in it, but I also love being able to photograph it. I caught a few good pics of Doug flying by the key-grab pole. We met back up at the launch grid, after Doug flew.
Then there was the massive picnic/potluck/cookout at the launch grid, with the other crews of that general vicinity. A good time is usually had by all, not to mention great food! Friday morning, they cooked Eggs Benedict Southwestern Style! And Saturday, they fixed up bowls of fabulous Frito Pie, complete with genuine New Mexico Chimyo Red Chili! You should SEE the set-up. It's like some sort of gourmet camp out! Photos just don't do it justice! They do this every day of Fiesta, every year. It still amazes me, even five years back into it. As soon as I grab some time to get the photos off my memory cards, I'll pop a few in here! Check back soon!
That last Sunday, I just had too much to try to get done at home, again! So I didn't go out that day. I watched the coverage on the television, as I puttered around doing laundry and such. I did see Doug launch that morning and it looked like it would be a good flight. Later, I had dinner plans with my family Sunday evening, for my birthday (a day early). I got done about half what I had intended, but that's just the way it goes sometimes.
Dinner was fun with my family. We went to The Olive Garden. It's a place I knew my grandmother would be Ok with. I want her to enjoy the dinner too. I hadn't been there in a while. Then we caravaned over to my Mom & Don's house for cake, frozen yogurt and coffee. And opening of presents too! I received a bunch of great stuff. Among my new treasures. . . A Jack LaLanne Power Juicer!! Now let me tell you. . . I have used 5 or 6 different juicers over the years. I no longer have any of those, because they were noisy, messy, and did NOT yield much juice. So what was the point? In short, they were a pain in the ass!
But THIS one. . . My Jack LaLanne Power Juicer. . . I LOVE IT!!!!!!! And no, I'm not getting paid to say this. This juicer is quieter than my dishwasher! It leaves behind relatively little, fairly dry pulp and I get more juice from the fruits and veggies than from any juicer I ever used. I believe that my Mom purchased this juicer from Costco. But I know it's also available on line. I have all kinds of 'x-sperimentin' to do!!! I love including strawberries, raspberries and oranges. So far, that's a fav!! But I also have enjoyed some vegetable juices too! Usually, I despise beets. It's a thing from childhood. Maybe I'll tell that story someday soon. . . but I just hate beets. However, I know that beet juice is in various commercial juices I have purchased, and I like those. So I figured, I'll try a vegetable juice with beets in it. Not bad at all!! I was so proud of myself for drinking my beets!
I have to say here, just a quick side-bar. . . This is reminding me a bit of when I had to grind up broccoli (and other vegetables) in the food processor in order to add them to recipes and hide them from my now ex-husband. At that time, it was the ONLY way to get him to eat most vegetables! Oh, how he used to complain if he happened to see them in there!! I know he may very well read this. . . Please understand, I am now chuckling at this. As now, he is a vegetarian! The brat! hehehe :-)
Or just type in "food pyramid" into Google, and you get a list of links to check it out, if you have forgotten what the guidelines are.
And I have found, what I think is the best juicer in the world (that my family or I could afford!).
And now, here it is almost November!! Thanksgiving around the corner. I understand that my Uncle is coming in from Maryland to visit for Thanksgiving. He hasn't been here in ages! About 5 years. It will be nice to see him and spend some time with the big brat! ;-) Ok, well. . . He is a bigger brat than me! It will be a quick few days, but good to see him any way he can get here!
Then we've got to gear up for the Christmas shopping already! I-yi-yi!!
Better sign off for now. Lots to get done.
Don't forget to check back in soon. . . I hope to pop some photos in here.
Be well!
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