I rang in the new year quietly. I stayed home and watched movies by the fire. The next morning, I awoke and made the coffee. I was watching the morning news and sipping my coffee when I heard. . . what was that? It sounded like my bathtub was hissing! I jumped up and ran in the bathroom to see what it was. It didn't appear that anything was happening

Well now, the nice builders of my house didn't put in a home-owner water shut-off valve. . . so the only water shut off for my house is the one in the sidewalk, out front. Problem is, I can't lift that big ol' heavy metal panel to get to the shut off. . . then, I also don't have the right tool to turn the valve. In my residual fog, instead of thoughtfully calling 311 -- I called a neighbor, who wasn't home. Then I called my Mom (since she has dealt with floods before). . . and oh yeah. . . Just call 311!!! haha DUH! A sleepy, foggy brain is a frustrating thing!
I finally called 311, and they gave me the number to the emergency water services. I called them and they sent a crew out. It took an excruciating 15 - 20 minutes. . . very quick actually. But when your house it spewing from a main artery, it seems like forever! In the meantime, I went back into my bedroom for something. I walked over near the bathroom and. . . squish! Oh s%*#!!!
I looked at the bathroom floor. . . water was oozing across the floor. . . from the wall!! I tossed

"Oh where is that water crew???" I thought. I went to the linen closet and grabbed more towels and tossed them down on the bathroom floor. Like a trapped cat, I ran back and forth from the bedroom to the front door. . . anxiously searching to see if the crew had arrived yet. They finally arrived and shut off the water!! Hallelujah!! I then called my home owner's insurance company, filed the claim, and got my claim number.
Then, I called Mom back and asked for names of reliable companies to mop up. I called Rockefeller's Cleaning and Restoration upon her recommendation. They, in turn, recommended TLC Plumbing. That's who has been taking care of the cleanup & the plumbing fix, respectively. I have been very happy with both companies! TLC came within a couple of hours (on a chilly holiday) and fixed the affected plumbing and got my water turned back on. I was only without water for about 4 hours. Just as the plumber was finishing his work, the restoration guys arrived.
The cleaning and restoration has consisted of quickly unloading and moving my entertainment center, pulling up part of the bedroom base boards, pulling up part of the carpet, removing the affected carpet pad and probing the wall base with a nifty device that measures moisture. They measured and documented. Then they wet-vac-ed the area. Next, they set up a fan club of two

The insurance adjuster visited me today (Friday) and surveyed the area, measured, photographed, and documented everything. He explained to me the next options and steps. We decided upon a plan of action and he left to submit the report and get the rest of the ball rolling. They will choose a contractor to call me by Monday for scheduling the work. I could have chosen the contractor, but this way, they oversee any issues that might develop and the contractor still works for me. . . and I still have the final say-so on the work. So the contractor will call me. On Monday, we schedule the work. The vanity might have to be replaced, the linoleum replaced, the wall board has to be replaced & the room painted, the affected carpet pad replaced, the carpet re-stretched (if possible) and put back and cleaned. If the carpet cannot be restretched, then probably new carpet will go in. Of course, they take care of moving all the furniture involved. Whew!
My cats are weathering the process remarkably well. They are cautious of the noisy fans, but curious. They are especially curious about the big hole in the wall!!! But that is part of why I have the bedroom closed off. That also cuts down the effect of the noise. They hate that closed door!! In the meantime, we camp out in the living room and use my sleeping bag. Yes, I do have a second bedroom, but

So in the grand scheme of things, it could have been so much worse! Thank God I was home when it happened, that I heard it, and that it happened while I was awake (relatively awake). It's an inconvenience, but it's getting resolved. The restoration guys told me they had moved a couple of families out of their homes before they arrived at my house. . . folks who had gone to New Year's Eve parties and had arrived home at 2 or 3am and came home to "Squish!" -- a completely flooded house due to frozen & burst pipes! So I feel rather blessed that I caught mine early!!!
I hope your New Years has been more quiet than mine. And I hope that you have a wonderful, prosperous, and happy year!
To your health!
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