Thursday, September 14, 2006

Reno Balloon Race 2006

THIS is too cool! As a balloon pilot myself, I know how the flights work and all, but I never saw a time lapse of a morning's flights. This is just oo cool and my hat is off too the person who made this video possible!

Monday, September 11, 2006

September Already!

I can't believe how fast this year is going by. It's been a relatively busy year for me. And here we are at the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I think of how surreal that must feel to the families of the victims of that day, and to the survivors of that day. It's almost 5 years ago that I lost someone very dear to me, from cancer. I can hardly believe that amount of time has passed. In some ways it does seem possible, since so much has happened since then. But in other ways, it doesn't seem possible because... I don't exactly know why. Time is strange like that.

Today's "therapy" (rambling) moment:
Today, I find myself thinking a lot about the damage that Lack of Communication can do. It can be subtle and sneaky. Sometimes you may not realize the damage is occurring. But then, Bam! There it is. Without enough information, some of us find ourselves trying to fill in the gaps. And with my imagination, that is not always a good thing. I suppose that I'm a bit of a problem-solver by nature. I'm always wanting to figure something out and make sense of things. For example, someone you care deeply about might be going through something very difficult. They used to talk to you about much of it, but then something happens and suddenly they are not sharing as much info with you. You can feel that they aren't telling you something. They might tell you that they don't want to burden you -- or that they just have to figure it out on their own. But you feel cut off. It hurts in a strange, silly sort of way. You try not to worry, as what good would that do anyway? But you feel concern for the loved-one and injured that you are suddenly left out. Meanwhile, what they haven't yet told you is that the reason they are leaving you out is to keep you clear of potential difficulties. They feel that someone is playing head-games with them and they don't want you dragged into it. If only they could/would TELL you about some of this, you wouldn't feel so cut off from them. But, for whatever reason, they feel they can't talk about it. Slowly, a wedge gets driven in. Can you save the relationship?

Good question. I think that one would have to, at least temporarily, change one's expectations. You would have to understand that the person needs some space to figure things out. Perhaps if we can change what we expect from them, then we wouldn't feel hurt. Ideally, they could at least give you a heads-up that they would be slightly unavailable to share their inner-workings with you... for a while. But I think that would be an unusual case. Usually, we would have to figure this out for ourselves and try to bear with them for a while. It's not an easy task when you care so much. But I think sometimes we have to really work hard at being more wise than fear. I think that may be one of the few ways to rise above fear and overcome it.
So I suppose that I'm suggesting that we might have to temporarily suspend our usual expectations of someone who is going through a really tough time. We might have to temporarily bear with minimal information and work with what we have & around what we don't have... and not jump to conclusions. I'll work on that.
