Monday, April 23, 2007

I Finally did it!!


Well I finally did it... I finally got my mom on-board with blogging!! Ever since I discovered what blogging was, I had felt that my mom would be quite good at it. I have been telling her (for months... maybe a year or two) that she needs to start a blog and take off with it. Interestingly, she and I have encountered a few various sources in the last few weeks, all agreeing that if you are to be a writer, then you must have a blog!

This past weekend, she got started with it. I have put a link (in my sidebar) to her blog. She calls it "Puss Patton De Onion." And if you want to know why such a name, you'll just have to tune in and read her story on where the name came from. I look forward to reading her blog often. She frequently has strong opinions, vivid view points, and interesting things to say. Ok, perhaps I'm just a tad biased. She is my mom and one of my very best friends, but all of my friends agree that I got a great mom! And... she is most interesting.

So, find the link to the side and go visit her blog. And by all means, do come back and visit mine too.
I'm at work (on a break) right now... so back to work with me... perhaps more later or tomorrow. I'll try to write more often.
In the meantime, You have a great day.

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