Monday, July 23, 2007

Time Happens. . .

Wow! What crazy few weeks! But then, I suppose anymore, they are all that way to some degree or another. I've heard it said that, "Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once." And yet, somehow - some months feel like THAT is what is happening (everything happening all at once). Oh well. Just gotta keep on getting done what ya can. I'm learning to "let go of perfect," -- as suggested by one of my (currently) favorite authors, Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD. She has written a few very good books. . . One called "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" and another one I have is called, "The Wisdom of Menopause." I'm currently only getting familiar with the "peri-menopausal" process, but her books are giving me such great guidance, that I cannot even adequately express just how helpful she has been. Some of it is stuff I kind of already knew, but maybe wasn't really using to best potential. And some of the other stuff I read are new concepts that I'm learning to utilize. I'm learning that some of the things that come up in the process can cause one to feel as though they might be loosing their mind (to put it nicely). Yet there are very reasonable ways to work through these less than stellar moments! I'm learning that a lot of the "symptoms" are not written in stone. That is to say, that there are ways to ease them. . . many without medication. Things like: Simple diet shifts, herbal and vitamin support, setting limits with people (not taking on the woes of the world -- ya just can't fix everything and everyone!), and making SURE you get out and move around. . . go for a walk at the least! These things can make a HUGE difference. As an herbalist, I already knew much of this. But she also brings up some very helpful suggestions (many from examples of real people she has known) on how to get to the bottom of what may be plaguing you. Bottom line - Remember, it is a natural life process, NOT a disease. Far too many medical people are treating it as if it were a disease. That's nuts!

Anyway, I'm just wanting to pop in here and make a quick entry to share some great finds of late (the afore-mentioned books) and assure any who might have wondered. . . that yes, I am alive and well. I'm just working on getting through a stack of books!!! It's a nice cool activity for spare time in the Summer. Not that I have much of that at the moment, as I'm working in my yard a lot. I'm also hot on the job-search trail. It's time for a change and who knows what that will bring! Time will tell. (there is that word again!)

And to my friends out there who may be reading. . . I know some of you are going through a tough time right now with big things happening, big changes happening and for some, big decisions to make, and some difficult things with which to grapple. . . Just know that I'm thinking of you and sending you Light.

Be Well!


Anonymous said...

You'll do fine, you're smart and confident. And, as we both know, sometimes change is for the BETTER!


Paulena said...

Thanks!! You are a dear and wonderful gal! You hang in there!

Blessings to you as well!