Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Farewell to Ed Yost

I'm sure many of you won't know or appreciate who Ed Yost was. Not to be confused with "Eddie Yost," the baseball player. But I appreciate who he was and I actually had the privilege of meeting him. He was a character & a half! A real hoot. He was one of the most fun codgers I ever had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with. I'm sorry to say, he passed away this past Sunday (5/27/07) at his home, near Taos, NM. He was 87 years old.

Ed Yost (born Paul Edward Yost, 6/30/1919, near Bristow, Iowa) was the Father of Modern-day Ballooning. He was an inventor and a pilot, both fixed-wing and balloon. And in ballooning, he was rated for just about every type of ballooning you could imagine! He was rated for hot-air balloon "with air-borne heater" (as the FAA terms it), and for gas balloon. He kinda wrote the "book" on ballooning. I realize that here in New Mexico, there are a few other guys around who have a similar "title," but Ed was the one that really kind of educated them. Ed really was the Father of modern-day ballooning. . . the others were off-shoots. And, I think none of them have been as gracious, kind, friendly, and "real" as Ed always seemed to be.

I won't take up bunches of space here with the story of his life. His accomplishments were
many and he was an amazing fellow, although what I knew of him, he was also a bit modest and never took himself too seriously. That was one of the things I really liked about him. He was fun to be around.
I'll give you a few links that you can check out if you'd like.

That should be enough to get you started! haha Like I said, he was a real character!

I had the opportunity to meet him . . . Let's see, what was the year? I'm pretty sure it was Summer of 1981, in Amarillo, Texas, at a hot-air balloon rally. I was only a student pilot at that time. (I got my private pilot license in November of 1982.) I was at the Amarillo rally with my husband at that time, Norm. The Amarillo Balloon Rally was also affectionately called "the high wind landing practice rally." I think there was something like four flights scheduled, but I think we only got in two of them, in the mornings. The afternoon flights were "winded-out" as we say in ballooning. Those turned into tailgate and BS sessions.

I met Ed the first morning of the rally, after flying. We had all flown, landed, packed-up and returned to the launch site, as was customary back then. That's when the tailgating & circulating began. Ed Yost was making the rounds, just talking to everyone. I think that he lived in the Amarillo area at that time, and so I suppose he was wanting to check in with everyone to make sure that a good time was had by all. He stopped by our truck and we hung out with him for a while.

Ed had founded the Balloon Federation of America (the BFA) a few years prior. But he had since had a falling-out with them. Ed vehemently disagreed with their strict focus upon competitive ballooning. He felt that went against the spirit of what he had founded the BFA to be. So he not only came up with another name to fit their acronym (I'll be polite here and say it was Big Farging Aiceholes, but you get the idea) . . . but he also founded the UN-bfa. The UN-bfa was a tongue-in-cheek group he had made-up patches and stickers for and he handed them out to fellow balloonists. It was his way of getting the word out that he disagreed with the (then) current policies of the BFA, and that he felt that the focus should be more on the fun of sport ballooning and safety and education. . . but definitely the fun. He later resolved his differences with them, and they now have at least an equal, if not bigger focus on ballooning safety & education, as he had always intended.

So Ed was telling the group of us (about 5 or 6 people at our truck) about the "UN-bfa" and one of the Yost rules (there were about 10 of them, if only I could remember them, they were funny) mandating that whomever was the last to receive an UN-bfa patch & sticker, was the "president" of the UN-bfa. He was in his early 60's at that point and I was (I think) the only gal in the group. Back then, I was a pretty, 20 year-old woman, with long hair and. . . well, he was a guy! So he was flirting it up with me and I managed to finagle one of those UN-bfa patches from him. Of course, he reminded me that I now held an awesome responsibility, I was "president" of the UN-bfa. That lasted for all of 10 minutes, until the next person got an UN-bfa patch.

It was a fun weekend hanging out with Ed Yost. He had so many great stories to tell and cool experiences to relate. He was different from some of the other "famous" balloonists in that he was more "down-to-earth" (pardon the pun) than any of the others. He was NEVER full of himself. He was kind, fun, friendly, and warm. He was a joy to be around. And. . . he was a wealth of information.

I have seen him many times since that weekend, at various other rallies and fiestas. He always seemed to be the same ol' fun-to-be-around guy I met back in 1981. I know he will be missed a great deal.
Farewell Ed. Thank you for everything you did for us and everything you taught us. And most of all, thanks for the memories.



Anonymous said...

Hi Paulena

I was just following the NEXT BLOG link and your Blog came along with your story of Ed Yost. How cool was he ? How cool are you to have met and known him ?

I suppose cool is not a good phrase to use when hot air is needed !

Nice Blog


Paulena said...

Thank you! Much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Hi Paulena

For someone who had never heard of Ed Yost until yesterday, I now find I am something of an aficionado. OK so I never met him like you did but ....

I live and work in the United Arab Emirates and we have an English language newspaper called the Khaleej Times. Imagine my amazement this morning to open the City Times daily supplement at page 15 to find a half page full colour obituary of none other than ... the legendary Ed Yost complete with photo of him greeting his neighbour and friend Gloria Parchman in the Sipapu Ski Area Northern New Mexico !!

I do actually have a ballooning connection, albeit tenuous.

In 1987 I was part of the crew of HMS Argonaut, a British Royal Navy warship that rescued (Sir) Richard Branson after his balloon ditched in the Irish Sea in his attempt to cross the Atlantic with Per Lindstrom.

I remember we had to put him in a warm bath as he was suffering mild hypothermia and also that I was made responsible for the security of the hi-tech gondola which we had hoisted on board. The canopy (correct term ?) unfortunately fell victim to many souvenir hunting seaman's knives.


Paulena said...

Wow!!! Brian that is too cool. What a small world, after all... huh? And thanks for the link on the HMS Argonaut. haha. Yeah, those souvenir hunters will get ya every time!
I take it you are in the UK? I have ancestry there (way back), among other places.

Thanks again for you comments. Very cool! I hope you have a great day.

Paulena said...

Correction... I meant to ask if you are FROM the UK.
You are apparently stationed elsewhere!


Patricia Smith Wood said...

Good job profiling a great guy! It's wonderful you had the chance to know him and be able to share your stories with everyone. He sounds like such fun, and a really humble man.