Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Just Waiting for the Flooring!

Project "Flood Recovery" is almost done. The painting is all done except for the bathroom baseboards, which have to be done after the linoleum install. Now all we are waiting for is the floor coverings to arrive. The carpet and linoleum have been ordered and we expect they will arrive either this Friday or Monday. Installation should commence a day or two after that. The flooring contractor is Ray's Flooring.

What a relief it will be to finally have this all done and behind me. It has been 37 days since the pipe froze and the water crept in. But I was certainly NOT alone in that frustrating experience. Many homeowners across the Albuquerque-metro area have dealt with it in the last six weeks! It's made for a disturbance in the Force around here, for sure, but something do-able. I learned a long time ago that I can weather almost anything as long as it is temporary. And the end result after all is done will be that I end up with a bonus bedroom/bathroom partial remodel that I never expected. I'm sure it will add a more cheerful energy to my space and brighten up the winter doldrums! It will be a bit more colorful. I could use that about now. I'm so glad the days are getting longer now! I've posted some photos of the process now. I went back and added photos from the day it happened, on up to more recent. Soon, it will be a memory. Maybe next week!

I'm still on the job hunt. Not too nervous just yet. Answering a few nibbles. . . we shall see if they amount to anything in the end. Cross your fingers for me, say a little prayer (if you wouldn't mind), or keep me in your meditation a moment. . . whatever positive thoughts you can spare for the cause. I'd appreciate it. That's about it for now.
Thanks for visiting!
Be Well!

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